About Q8 Research
Established over 50 years ago, Q8Research is a world leader in petrochemical and refining research. We have won industry acclaim around the world for our constant drive to perfect petroleum, benefitting millions of people for decades to come.

Q8Research is part of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, the state-owned oil company of Kuwait. Our activities encompass new product development, specifications for materials and products, legislation compliance and quality control. We also provide product testing, certification and quality control services to the Kuwait Petrolum organization and to third party customers. This entails problem solving, optimizing the daily operation and employing the latest test techniques.
Every section of Q8Research works in close harmony to create a single unit of expertise and experience. Our laboratory services are complemented by our ability to transfer chemica! and physical performance into high performing, cost effective products. This wide-ranging expertise enables Q8Research to offer a consultancy service and services for many other aspects of the petroleum industry such as SHE, market intelligence, legislation
and training.
With our holistic approach to petroleum research and product development, Q8Research is ideally placed to provide the very best support to our customers.